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Zen and Art of Spanking II: (Caned and Ass Fucked).

Zen and Art of Spanking II: (Caned and Ass Fucked).

Corporal punishment is effective because the punished comes to understand that continued bad behavior will result in continued pain. Now Outlaw is a big believer in corporal punishment and in Zen and the Art of Spanking he disciplined Shy very effectively, paddling her severely on her curvy bared bottom. For a time Shy changed her behavior, she was on time to work with a great attitude and missed no days. Unfortunately Shy has started back sliding, once again she is tardy, again her attitude with the customers is bad and she misses three straight days with no call and no show. Outlaw fires her. Nearly a week goes by and Shy comes up to the bar begging for her job back. Poor Shy she knows the price of coming back to work. It is a nasty caning with the Tiger cane. There are tears in her eyes before she even gets her clothes off, she's never been caned before but she has seen the other girls get it on occasion. She is made to assume the position on a small table with her cute butt high in the air. She is in trouble from the beginning, made to call out the swats and thank Outlaw for the caning. She is blubbering and crying with snot coming out of her nose through the entire punishment. Filmed from two angles you see her facial expression and the cane as it impacts her ass. With no break between she is then made to bend over a stool for a hard strapping. Outlaw really lays into her with a thick leather strap and welts are raised on her bottom after each swing of the belt. She is now crying uncontrollably and after the strapping (still no break) Outlaw takes her over the knee and gives her a hard spanking with his hand on her tender ass. This is one well punished girl. She is then allowed to blow Outlaw and he fucks her in the ass with good measure. She cries and pleads throughout her punishment. It will be a very long time before this naughty girl is naughty again!

Store: #Outlaw Spanking Video

Price: $24.99


Date Added: 08/17/18
File Size: 567.40 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 720p
Movie Length: 25:43

BDSM, Caning, M/F Spankings, OTK Spankings, SchoolGirl Spankings, Sex and Spanking, Spanking, Strapping, Whipping

outlaw spanking video, wellspanked.net, real spanking, anal, corporal punishment, caning, tears, butt fuck, crying, strap, strapping video, severe punishment

#Outlaw Spanking Video

Outlaw Spanking Video offers real spanking videos. Nothing fake about us. Every spanking is real and most are severe where others claim to spank hard we do it. Real spankings bring tears and almost every spanking we adminster has the girl crying.

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