Stripped naked, Chrissy and Delta are bent over the back of the couch with their bottoms to rust out for daddy's belt. He is going to beat a confession out of one of them and punish them both equally hard. Yelping in pain as his belt collides with their already paddled cheeks, Neither one will give him the satisfaction of a confession. A big leather paddle punishes them relentlessly as they cry side-by-side. Finally they are allowed to rub each other's throbbing bottoms and sent to bed with no supper. CHRISSY MARIE, DELTA HAUSER, STEPSISTER, DOMESTIC DISCIPLINE, NUDE DISCIPLINE, BELT WHIPPING, BARE BOTTOM SPANKING, NUDE DISCIPLINE, PADDLING
Assume the Position Studios
Price: $11.99
Date Added:
File Size:
519.96 MB
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Movie Length: 11:44
BDSM, Domestic Discipline, M/F Spankings, Paddling, Spanking, Strapping
assume the position studios, strapping, brat, chrissy marie, delta hauser, belting, domestic discipline, leather paddle
Pretty Bottoms spanked hard ! International Fetish Photographer ATP Studios releases the vault of beautiful girls having their bottoms paddled , strapped, and caned. From playful to severe something for every Spanko's taste. Lots of roleplay scenarios, Naughty Schoolgirl, Bad Secretary, and some shockingly harsh genuine disciplinary sessions that will leave you breathless !