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SEVERE SERIES: A Reformatory Birching (Part-2 The Switch)

SEVERE SERIES: A Reformatory Birching (Part-2 The Switch)

Part of the torment of a birching is having to go out on the Reformatory yard and pick your own birch switches. As Nikki is sent to the birch tree to pick her own poison the other girls tease her (secretly glad that they are not the one being punished). As Nikki is taken to the punishment room and secured in the dreaded stocks. Her hands and neck is held in place while her bare ass is thrust out for punishment. The principle lectures her then starts switching her with a single switch. In no time she is begging and screaming but the worse is yet to come. He takes the birch bundle and without warning starts switching her ass without mercy. The whole school and hears her screams and cries. Nikki is interview after the switching and she is still crying uncontrollably. This is not a punishment that she will soon forget.

Store: #Outlaw Spanking Video

Price: $11.99


Date Added: 07/04/19
File Size: 489.38 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1080p
Movie Length: 10:19

BDSM, M/F Spankings, Spanking, Whipping

birch, bare bottom spanking, school girl punishment, strapping, crying, dungeon, reform school

#Outlaw Spanking Video

Outlaw Spanking Video offers real spanking videos. Nothing fake about us. Every spanking is real and most are severe where others claim to spank hard we do it. Real spankings bring tears and almost every spanking we adminster has the girl crying.

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