Best friends Judy and Susie find themselves suddenly at odds, sadly over some silly young man's affections. Knowing how I settle disputes at Bellington Academy, the girls follow suit. They settle on a spanking competition, deciding who wimps out first, and who gets the lad. The spanking competition continues, and Judy's bottom is back up for more. Leaning over the fireplace, she presents her beautiful bare cheeks for a series of painful spankings with heavy leather straps, and finally the tawse. As Susie tries to break her will, poor Judy contorts in pain, but the shrieking, terrified girl is determined to go the distance. Part 5 of 8
Bellington Academy
Price: $11.99
Date Added:
File Size:
926.63 MB
File Type:
Movie Length: 12:14
F/F Spankings, Strapping, Tawsing, Corporal Punishment, Spanking, Lesbian Domination, Adult School, Garter & Stockings, Pantyhose, SchoolGirl Spankings
F/F Strapping , F/F Tawsing , spankingff, @little_susie_li, Bunnie Stevens, @bunniestevens, girl spanks girl, english spankers, spanking competition, lesbian spanking, Girl Next-Door Productions, WellSmackedSeat