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Samantha is Spanked First

Samantha is Spanked First

Two naughty school girls are in big trouble. They sign their mothers' names to notes so that they can get out of school. The moms find out and decide on suitable punishments for the girls. Samantha is first to get her spanking and it is a very upset Mom who uses both her hand and hairbrush on Samantha's bare bottom. All of Samantha's promises fall on deaf ears as her Mom gives her a very severe spanking with 50 licks with of the hairbrush to finish off the spanking. From bobbiesdrop-seats.com come visit us it is a free site

Store: DropSeat Productions

Price: $12.99


Date Added: 10/25/10
File Size: 208.55 MB
File Type: MPG
Resolution: 352x240
Movie Length: 14:59

Hairbrush Spanking, M/F Spankings, OTK Spankings, SchoolGirl Spankings, Spanking

school girl, hairbrush sp

DropSeat Productions

Delicious Domestic Dicipline Site - Naughty women of all ages find themselves being spanked on their bare bottoms with hand, hairbrush, strap, tawse or paddle in the most embarrassing positions.

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