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Kelly Thomas, The Board of Education.

Kelly Thomas, The Board of Education.

The Number one issue at Ridell School for Wayward Young Ladies and Girls is contraband bring brought inside the school . During an intake reception cavity search it is found that Kelly Thomas has been concealing a quantity of marijuana in her vagina. Ridell (established 1904 by a mysterious order of Monks) is known to solve disciplinary matters with corporal punishment. Kelly is new to the institution so she is about to get her dose which is administered on her ample bare bottom. The principle comes in and takes Kelly over his knee and gives her a incredibly hard hand spanking. Kelly's pleading starts almost immediately and she makes the mistake of offering "sexual favors" to make her punishment stop. This only makes the principle spank her harder and he soon takes off his belt and continues whipping her OTK. This starts to accomplish the desired effect and this disrespectful young woman soon becomes a very contrite young lady. The principle however is not satisfied he makes her bend over the bed where he continues her belt punishment then with no break and still crying he makes her assume the position and paddles her with the "board of education". This feared paddle has made it's way across many bare bottoms of young ladies over the year. Still not satisfied the principle takes her (still crying) down to the punishment room where she is made to ride a dildo while he gives her a severe caning. Before it is done this is one wellspanked young lady. She has learned a harsh and painful lesson.

Store: #Outlaw Spanking Video

Price: $19.99


Date Added: 07/07/20
File Size: 427.02 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 720p
Movie Length: 21:54

BDSM, Caning, M/F Spankings, OTK Spankings, Paddling, SchoolGirl Spankings, Sex and Bondage, Sex and Spanking, Strapping

dungeon , reform school punishment, punishment, caned, paddle, fuck machine, severe spanking, bondage, school girl, crying , belts, strapping

#Outlaw Spanking Video

Outlaw Spanking Video offers real spanking videos. Nothing fake about us. Every spanking is real and most are severe where others claim to spank hard we do it. Real spankings bring tears and almost every spanking we adminster has the girl crying.

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