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Internet issues. A bedtime spanking

Internet issues. A bedtime spanking

Mistress Anna is waiting for jack to come to bed. As usual he is too busy on his computer watching movies rather than joining her under the covers. She's once again had enough and decides a good old fashioned trip over her knee for a spanking isn't getting the point across as much as it used to. This time, she is going to paddle his bare backside so hard that he has to rest on his front. This contains a classic, old-fashioned over the knee spanking as well as a good punishment paddling.

Store: Spank Ass Studios

Price: $7.99

Spank Ass Studios

First rule about Spank Club is... ...you really must try and tell as many people as possible about it ;) Spanking the world right, one naughty bottom at a time. I really appreciate your support and aim to deliver passionate, real, high quality spanking clips that I genuinely enjoy producing... especially when I have a spankee over my knee ;) Mistress Anna x

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