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Tears over Tardiness -- CORNER TIME ONLY

Tears over Tardiness -- CORNER TIME ONLY

From the immediate fan favorite Tears over Tardiness, this is exclusively the corner time. It is a 10 minute corner time for Kim and Audrey together. First it is shown from looking directly behind them, looking straight at them as they face the wall with their bare bottoms exposed. Nothing is sped up, this is all shown in real time. Then it is shown again, but from up above........ There is no spanking shown, only Corner Time. BUT! I'm aware that there are some MAJOR corner time fans out there. So if you're a major corner time fan, then this is for you!

Store: Punishments Only

Price: $10.00

Punishments Only

Spanking with the following guiding principle: "it doesn't start until she wants it to stop, and it doesn't stop until she thinks it never will."

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