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Sex After Spankings (amateur compilation)

Sex After Spankings (amateur compilation)

After many requests, we've decided to share some of our post-spanking playtime! This isn't what I get every time after getting spanked, but many times I do once the punishment is over. We love to talk about my spankings after they're done. *Please note, these are not at all professionally filmed, and we originally had no intention of sharing these.* Maybe eventually we will try and do more well-produced POV style sexual clips. But that being said, if you'd like a peek behind closed doors and catch a glimpse of us doing our thing, then you may enjoy these! :) Each clip is about 2 minutes long, and please keep in mind that the 3rd is a vertical clip.

Store: Disciplined Domestically

Price: $9.99


Date Added: 03/21/23
File Size: 471.35 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 720p
Movie Length: 6:33

Sex and Spanking, Amateur, POV, Doggystyle

sex, spanking, spanko, spankee, amateur, real, couple

Disciplined Domestically

100% authentic domestic discipline - as real as it gets!

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