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Second Time For Tears - WMV 720x480

Second Time For Tears - WMV 720x480

Carly (Dana Denton) was beginning to go through noticeable stages of defiance. She'd begun to play the blame game while shifting her responsibilities to anyone else but herself. You saw her only spanking ever in "First Time For Tears" and in this video you'll see what happened when she was instructed to strip fully naked for a private punishment from her step-dad! Certainly the girl was nervous as she stood completely bare in the living room, just moments away from going over the knee for the second spanking of her young life. Carly had earned extra discipline and she was going to get it. In this very realistic scenario Carly is spanked with the hand over her step-dad's knee and in the wheelbarrow position! It was a tough spanking for the girl as her tender bottom felt each and every smack deeply. It's fair to say that she was becoming a stubborn girl, but through regular discipline and a stern hand her step-dad would do everything that he could to offer valuable guidance and correction. Carly tried to be strong, but in the end she was fighting the tears as being spanked on an already sore bottom can really drive a lesson home.

Store: Universal Spanking and Punishments

Price: $8.99

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