Judy was playing games during the service, and I cannot take this lightly. She knows she is in for a hard punishment, and obediently lifts up her dress before going over the back of my chair. The swoosh of my cane makes her whimper, having been in this position repeatedly for her bad behaviour. Judy doesn't know how many strokes she will endure, just that it will be many. Starting hard and cold, I place three red lines on her porcelain bottom before removing her black lace knickers. Judy counts the strokes, gasping with each breath and hoping it might be over. I pause after twelve, but only for a taunting, before taking the poor girl the distance. "Twenty-five, Miss. Thank you, Miss." Part 1 of 2
Also see - The Unavoidable part 2
Bellington Academy
Price: $13.99
Date Added:
File Size:
1936.00 MB
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Movie Length: 26:44
Caning, Garter & Stockings, Vintage Stocking, Lace/Lingerie, Corporal Punishment, F/F Spankings, Spanking, Amateur, Whipping, BDSM
F/F Caning , Red Stripes , Strict Punishment , Bunnie Stevens, bunniestevens, Miss Elsa Svenson, SvensonMiss, cane punishment, cold caning, pantyhose, spankingff, WellSmackedSeat