Badly Behaved Girls 1 (SD)

Badly Behaved Girls 1 (SD)

Susie, Dorothy, and Lillian stand before me with fidgety fingers, because they know why they are here. As I describe the report I have received from the town librarian about these girls stealing adult materials, each of their faces begin to droop with guilt and embarrassment, and the only good news I have for them is they won't be arrested for theft. Of course, this doesn't mean these three thieves are off the hook, because they now must deal with me. Susie steps forward and dutifully holds out her palms for my tawse, while Dorothy and Lillian watch in frozen fright. I deliver stinging swats to the poor girl's hands, and she recoils in shock after each hard slap. Dorothy is next, doing her best to look away until each swat brings her eyes forward in frightening agony. Finally, Lillian takes her turn, shivering and whimpering in pain as I complete the first of their many punishments. Removing their schoolgirl skirts, Susie presents her bottom for my tawse, and Dorothy and Lillian pull down her knickers. "One...thank you Miss!", as my tawse meets her bare bottom, hard and sharp. Eighteen strokes on Susie's tender, guilty cheeks is an awfully good start. Part 1 of 9 HD version:

Store: Bellington Academy

Price: $11.99

Bellington Academy

Traditional school girl spanking and caning. Female only

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