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Time to Repent 3 (720p)

Time to Repent 3 (720p)

Strict Sister Elsa is known for both piety and penance, and a summons to her office tends to induce panic amongst the students. Queuing outside her door, these four schoolgirls don't know which of their transgressions she is aware of, and that uncertainty only heightens their anxiety. As the good Sister knows well, the best discipline for wayward girls is truth, consequence, and fear. Lily timidly steps into my office, standing before me in shock as I pull down her white school knickers. Over my knee, she presents her lovely round bottom for a hard punishment from my hairbrush. A stoic spanking has the poor girl kicking the floor, whimpering and catching her breath, whilst I turn her cheeks scarlet red. Trying to cope with the pain, Lily nearly stumbles as she stands, before I bend her over a chair for six of the best from my cane. Part 3 of 12 HD version: www.spankinglibrary.com/clipdetails.php?id=34815

Store: Bellington Academy

Price: $11.99

Bellington Academy

Traditional school girl spanking and caning. Female only

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