Badly Behaved Girls 7 (720p)

Badly Behaved Girls 7 (720p)

After being caught in town stealing, Susie, Dorothy, and Lillian have had their pilfering little hands punished, and their bottoms strapped and striped. Fidgeting in their pyjamas, these little hoodlums may be hoping for an early bedtime, but their evening of agony isn't yet over. Dorothy's pink pyjamas come down, and the thud of my plimsoll makes her body jump, legs kicking out in pain as I hold her tight over my knee. The paddling continues, harder and harder, until the little thief is crying her apologies, and her bottom is a lovely bright red. Part 7 of 9

HD version - Badly Behaved Girls 7

Store: Bellington Academy

Price: $5.99

Bellington Academy

Traditional school girl spanking and caning. Female only

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