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Santa gives Mrs Claus bastinado while getting a blowjob

Santa gives Mrs Claus bastinado while getting a blowjob

After having his cock and balls stomped on he is going to punish Mrs Claus with bastinado . He enjoys giving her bastinado . His right hand is also guiding her head to give him a blowjob . He does not last long . It is so much pleasure getting his two favorite things . When he starts cumming he holds her head close so she has to swallow all of his cum .

Store: What You Thought Was True , Was Not True

Price: $4.99


Date Added: 12/20/23
File Size: 309.08 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1080p
Movie Length: 2:45

Bastinado, Blow Jobs, Domestic Discipline, Foot Torture, Feet/Leg Spanking, Soles, Grannies

bastinado , blowjob bastinado, whip and cum, cum swallow

What You Thought Was True , Was Not True

Videos of characters that you thought you knew their stories but you were wrong . We give you the true stories of these characters . Stories as they really happened . Featured will be Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus , Snow Whitte and the 7 dwarfs , Tarzzan and Jane , Poccahonttis , Cinderellaa , Wilma Flintstonne and Betty , Captain Hookk and Tinkerrbelle , Captain Hookk and Wendy , Little Red Ridinghoodd , Cruellla Devillle , Wicked Wich Of The Westt , Daisy Mae and Lill Abner . we will tell you the real stories and show you the updates . All of these characters are older now but continue on .

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