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The Birching Block 8 HD

The Birching Block 8 HD

Added on 27/08/2017 Running time 00:25:02 Size 1.76 GB REDUCED FOR VAT At Seaton Grange the old wooden birching block has been placed in position. Yet again two unruly gentleman are to be taught some manners whilst kneeling, bare bottoms raised high, on its well worn step. The birches, freshly soaked, are ready to use. The condemned boys will soon be stripped and waiting for the ominous command Go down sir! Two senior boys both carrying the name of James have been carpeted in front of the Headmaster for various offences. The first, Hilton (Bob Stone) for indulging in too much drinking the night before when he should know better and Hunter (Rudi Vallance) who is rather too found of the local girls and had, been out after hours again to pursue his lust. Both lads do not want their parents informed of their antics whilst boarding away so will settle for the punishment of birching, an age old custom of this particular college. The master who's duty it is to lay on the punishment is Mr Sharpe. He also, especially with unruly senior boys, likes to end the session with a good spanking. If they act like juniors they'll be treated as such! For an older boy going over the knee of a master again to have your bare bottom smacked is just a little bit embarrassing. Its hard not to show it too after those cruel twigs have so effectively swished your bare bottom raw already.

Store: Sting Pictures

Price: $19.99


Date Added: 01/17/24
File Size: 1807.74 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1080p
Movie Length: 25:00

M/M Spankings, Hand Spanking, Birching, Ass Smacking, BDSM Instruction, OTK Spankings

spanking, otk spanking, discipline, Marco, straight, RUSI VALLANCE , painful , suffering, straight , BOB STONE

Sting Pictures

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