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Detention 1900 HD

Detention 1900 HD

Added on 03/05/2024 Running time 00:13:33 Size 1.42 GB Henry (New Stinglad Bruno Baxter) has found himself in detention with the Headmaster as punishment for his unacceptable behavior. But alas it appears even this is not a good enough deterrent as whilst alone he damages a book and then launches the pages at the Headmaster which can only lead to one outcome, a very painful conclusion. Its britches down and over the knee for a damn hard spanking for his despicable behaviour and this is followed by a hard and painful strapping on his already burning bare backside with each crack of the leather strap teaching him to behave and show respect.

Store: Sting Pictures

Price: $11.99


Date Added: 05/03/24
File Size: 1462.93 MB
File Type: MP4
Resolution: 1080p
Movie Length: 13:33

M/M Spankings, OTK Spankings, Hand Spanking, Ass Smacking, Strapping, BDSM Instruction

spanking, otk spanking, discipline, BRUNO BAXTER, straight, strapping, painful , suffering, straight

Sting Pictures

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