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Cane The Cameraman 4 (720p)

Cane The Cameraman 4 (720p)

After a long day of filming spanking videos, it's the cameraman's turn for some fun! Miss Mathew takes him over the knee for a hard spanking with a leather paddle, then invites Olivia, Susie, and Helen to each have a go. Giggling and laughing, this cheeky foursome turn his bottom bright red, then use a cane to stripe his his sore, stinging cheeks. Part 4 of 6 HD version: www.spankinglibrary.com/clipdetails.php?id=22570

Also see - Cane The Cameraman 5

Store: Girl Next-door Productions

Price: $7.99

Girl Next-door Productions

Strict ladies spanking and caning naughty boys

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