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Confessions 11 (720p)

Confessions 11 (720p)

Five of my students are lined up against the wall, naked and vulnerable, with bottoms freshly striped. After two rounds of extended caning, I know these five girls are sorry for their transgressions. Each will have to endure one final punishment, palms-up in submission to my wicked tawse, so they might long remember the lessons learnt today. As each girl steps forward to receive six strokes, dread and humiliation turns into squirming about on tippy-toes, as she tries to cope with the sharp stings. *Finally* the punishment is over, and the girls take some time to soothe each other's sore striped bottoms. Part 11 of 11 HD version: www.spankinglibrary.com/clipdetails.php?id=42574

Also see - Confessions 1 : Susie

Store: Bellington Academy

Price: $9.99

Bellington Academy

Traditional school girl spanking and caning. Female only

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