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Pyjama Girls 4 (720p)

Pyjama Girls 4 (720p)

My schoolgirls Andrea and Cathrine have been naughty again, and I plan to send them off to bed with a very painful lesson. Cathrine goes back over my knee for her next spanking, her face turning beet-red as she tries to muffle her screams. As Andrea watches from her humiliating cornertime, I paddle her poor cohort relentlessly with my plimsoll, mixing in stinging rounds of hand spanking for good measure, making the young schoolgirl writhe about in agony. Cathrine is unable to control herself, shaking the walls with her wailing, and that only makes me punish her harder. Part 4 of 7

Also see - Pyjama Girls 5

Store: Bellington Academy

Price: $9.99

Bellington Academy

Traditional school girl spanking and caning. Female only

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