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She Did It! Part 1

She Did It! Part 1

New Stripper Allie quickly picks up three strikes. She is given a choice of taking a bare bottom spanking or being fired. She of course chooses to take the spanking.

Store: #Outlaw Spanking Video

Price: $4.99


Date Added: 01/17/10
File Size: 72.84 MB
File Type: WMV
Resolution: 640x480
Movie Length: 4:59

BDSM, M/F Spankings, OTK Spankings, SchoolGirl Spankings, Spanking

outlaw spanking video, wellspanked.net, real spanking

#Outlaw Spanking Video

Outlaw Spanking Video offers real spanking videos. Nothing fake about us. Every spanking is real and most are severe where others claim to spank hard we do it. Real spankings bring tears and almost every spanking we adminster has the girl crying.

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