Length: 29mina 53 secs
Alan and Peter are discussing the football world cup at the train station. Peter complains bitterly about how the England squad
are trained by Females, spouting venomous nonsense as he does so. Cheerleaders he continues, have been spanking the
players between games on their thighs which he argues prevents them running as fast.
Unfortunately for Peter and Alan, covert microphones and satellites which are programmed to tune in to any treasonous talk from
males are activated and through the microchips implanted in their brains (as they are with all male creatures) identify them.
Consequently both are summoned to the local Spanking Centre in Chelsea to report to Miss Antscha and Miss Viktoria, the Remedial
Behavioural Therapists stationed there.
Even at the Spanking Centre the boys can not behave obediently or stand quietly and are
therefore taken to room 6 for a very sound bare bottom spanking. One thing is for sure and that
is that our two Remedial Behavioral Therapist are determined to send them away well behaved and corrected young men!
Hard spanking with hand, hairbrush and paddle. Two naughty boys learn the reality of Feminine Supremacy and Fm discipline and
Institute of Feminine Discipline
Price: $24.99
Date Added:
File Size:
187.22 MB
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Movie Length: 29:53
F/M Spankings, Fem/Dom, OTK Spankings, Paddling, Spanking
female domination, women spanking men, bare bottom spankings, naughty boys get spanked, over the knee spanking, strict discipline, femdom spanking
It is the year 2051. Women have taken over and male creatures know their places. A male does not make a move without permission and knowledge of his Chief Overseer, who is generally his wife, or in the case of single males-the woman or women whom have registered him with The Board of Corrective Women (BCW) as their property. Unclaimed males belong to the nearest Spanking Centre (SC}. We use old fashioned corporal punishment to keep them in line, and they respond quite well to this. We recognized many years ago that males never grow up and are essentially naughty little boys who need constant Feminine Supervision and strict discipline, and that is what they all get. Our standard means of discipline is over the knee spankings. To that end, from age 18, males are subject to spankings from any and all women, not just their Overseers. Though over our knees is the standard, for more severe punishments we also use: bending over a chair, lying on the bed, putting him on all 4s etc. And employing strappings, paddlings and of course canings.