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Luke's Hairbrush Hiding

Luke's Hairbrush Hiding

"Straightening out" her nephew Luke was proving to be a demanding task for Aunt Violet. The recalcitrant boys' latest offence was to bring a pornographic book into her house. Now Aunt Violet is an attractive young woman and is certainly no prude, but she considered the content of the book to be far too adult for an immature boy like Luke. So she decided that another trip across her knee was in order for her naughty nephew. Luke argued that he was old enough to look at pornography as his aunty took down his trousers, but as she pulled the insolent boy across her knee he suggested that Aunt Violet enjoyed smacking his bottom. This only made Aunt Violet more determined to teach the boy a lesson so she spanked his bare bottom until he sobbed out his apologies. She then sent him to bed to think about his behavioour whilst she contemplated administering further punishment. A few hours later, Aunt Violet summoned Luke to the lounge but, the boy still showed defiance in spite of the fact that his backside was still burning from the spanking he'd already received. So once again Luke was humiliated by Aunt Violet baring his bottom before putting him back across her knee. Luke soon forgot how ashamed he felt when Aunt Violet laid into his bare bottom with her paddle brush. Luke howled and writhed across his attractive aunt's lap whilst she turned his red bottom to a deep shade of crimson. As Luke shuffled off to bed to cry himself to sleep, Aunt Violet wondered how long it would be before the boy would need another lesson.

Store: Women Spanking Boys

Price: $12.99


Date Added: 04/28/14
File Size: 153.37 MB
File Type: WMV
Resolution: 640x480
Movie Length: 13:20

F/M Spankings, Fem/Dom, Hairbrush Spanking, OTK Spankings, Paddling, Spanking

paddle, corporal punishment, spanking, hairbrush, bare bottom, otk, over the knee, tears, crying, sobbing, shame, humiliation

Women Spanking Boys

So you thought a boy of 18 was too old for a spanking? Well not at Wellspanked. When young men behave like little boys, they need to be put across a shapely female lap for a good, hard, bare bottom spanking with hand hairbrush, slipper or belt. Of course, the naughtier boys are dealt with by means of the strap, tawse and cane. Many clips contain 2 (or more!) punishments which are also available as seperate clips. There is no extra footage in the parts. Enjoy!

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