Zack is not matching up to expectations and the coach is not happy. He lost last nights match so to add to the humiliation the coach decides to give Zack a good spanking! First on his boxing shorts then bare bottom with the paddle. After receiving his punishment he is told to get busy and...
MP4 · 1080p · 244
$7.99 · 6 Min 46 Sec
This boy just never seems to learn his lesson. His first report to the head required a hand spanking starting on trousers then underwear then eventually on his bare bottom. More misbehaviour earned him a dose of the paddle promised by the head. Bur still this boy never learns. He has been...
MP4 · 1080p · 314
$12.99 · 12 Min 49 Sec
After several requests we are please to announce that the famous David is back for more! David has always been a popular boy when it comes to seeing a young man getting spanked and we are able to tell you that we’ve have produced 3 brand spanking new clips with David! This first spanking is a...
MP4 · 1080p · 523
$12.99 · 15 Min 10 Sec
Shane thinks it's more important to read his book. More importantly he's supposed to be cleaning up the barracks! He is soon found out and is put on punishment duty and in this particular battalion spanking is the order of the day! So for him its over knee for a very sound spanking on his shorts...
MP4 · 1080p · 224
$9.99 · 8 Min 47 Sec
Cody has been told to be home by 10 am but decides to stay out all night. He thinks nothing will be said-how wrong he is! His guardian has been up all night waiting for him to return and soon makes it clear that he is going to be punished. He is told to go up stairs and wait-he knows whats...
MP4 · 1080p · 321
$10.99 · 10 Min 25 Sec
Zack got in touch with me a few months back. He is well known on the wrestling scene but wanted to test the water and find out what it’s like to get a spanked bottom. He was soon in the traditional over the knee position starting on shorts then underwear then bare. After each layer came off the...
MP4 · 1080p · 382
$11.99 · 11 Min 39 Sec
The school principal has been in touch with Leo’s guardian because they are not happy with his conduct. Unable to carry out any chastisement at the school they recommend he deals with Leo at home-and Leo knows what that means-an over the knee spanking! After the spanking Leo gets send straight to...
MP4 · 1080p · 703
$12.99 · 14 Min 3 Sec
Oliver has been caught spending far too much time looking at the girls on the beach and not paying attention to what's going on in the sea. He is summoned to the managers office for a telling off and a spanked bottom. He starts off with getting spanked on his red shorts then red underwear then...
MP4 · 1080p · 330
$10.99 · 10 Min 34 Sec
In part two Jay gets to try out the ping pong paddle , a very stingy paddle, the hairbrush and finally sirs cp4men paddle. Before he leaves he gets an extra 60 spanks by hand for being one hour late-thats one spank for every minute! His bottom is so wonderfully solid so I decided to keep to the...
MP4 · 1080p · 373
$12.99 · 12 Min 30 Sec
Robert has not been following the rules for deep sea diving and is about to suffer the consequences for not following the rules. His punishment begins with the instructor giving him some solid over the knee spanking on his sexy deep sea swim suite. Soon he is up against the wall and receiving...
MP4 · 1080p · 224
$8.99 · 8 Min 24 Sec
Raphael has been warned time and time again about his bad behaviour at the swimming pool and now it's time to teach him a lesson! So the coach decides to give him a good spanking. First over tracksuit bottoms then swimming shorts and finally bare bottom. Perhaps a good spanking will teach him...
MP4 · 1080p · 240
$8.99 · 7 Min 45 Sec
Before filming his first video we decided to give Oliver a trial run on getting spanked. We started the spanking on jeans and he was taking his spanking well but wasn’t prepare for the intensity when he was getting spanked on his underwear! But after a brief pause he was soon back in the...
MP4 · 1080p · 379
$12.99 · 12 Min 54 Sec
Due to public demand Nathan is back again and looking every bit the bad school student! After being summoned to the headmaster he has managed to negotiate being spanked instead of detention. His over the knee experienced is enhanced by the humiliation of having to thank the master for spanking...
MP4 · 1080p · 424
$14.95 · 14 Min 31 Sec
Leo was introduced to us by a friend that did modelling photos. He casually mentioned that he knew a company that did spanking videos and he was immediately interested! So for Leo this is his first spanking and we think it won't be his last! We start the spanking on trousers then underwear then...
MP4 · 1080p · 335
$12.95 · 12 Min 32 Sec
Rafael has been warned many times about bringing the game into disrepute by constantly swearing at other players on the pitch. The manager has run out of patience and so Rafael is pulled by the ear back to his office for a sound over the knee spanking. He starts the spanking on his very short...
MP4 · 1080p · 320
$9.99 · 9 Min 26 Sec
Earl Has welcomed the new year in with some implement testing! He agrees to take 10 swats with four implements not knowing what to expect! In case you’re wondering about his accent Earl is from the valleys in South Wales. Happy new year everyone!
MP4 · 1080p · 329
$9.95 · 10 Min 21 Sec
Rafael has been elected to decorate the Christmas tree but Santa’s little helper falls fast asleep! So Santa’s big helper decides some Christmas discipline is in order! Hope you all have a great Christmas and see you in the new year with lots more naughty lads!
MP4 · 1080p · 229
$7.99 · 6 Min 28 Sec
Time and time again Nathan has been warned about staying out late but this time he has stayed out all night! His step-dad is there to greet him and Nathan knows just what to expect. He is sent to his room and there he awaits his fate-yes you’ve guessed it-its going to be over the knee! No time is...
MP4 · 1080p · 357
$9.99 · 9 Min 31 Sec