Hi, I'm Lucy Carter. Welcome to the best place to see all my latest spanking and corporal punishment clips. I got my first spanking a couple of years ago and realised it meant more to me than just a sore bottom. After many more disciplinary spankings I wanted to try spanking another girl. When I finally got the chance, I found I enjoyed it even more than getting a good tanning. Now I love to give hard punishment spankings, but of course, I still need discipline from time to time and "Daddy" makes sure I get it. But nothing feels quite the same as putting a naughty boy or girl across my knee and spanking their bare bottom until they cry. My friends tell me I have a very cute bottom (perhaps that's thanks to all the attention it gets!) but you can see it spanked red raw in my sub clips. My punishments don't stop until I'm in tears so when I'm dishing out the discipline I try to make sure the naughty boy or girl gets the same treatment from me. I'm a firm believer in firm punishment so you know that every one I give or get is 100% real. Don't forget, you can find more clips featuring me giving and getting spankings (and worse!) in the other Wellspanked stores. Enjoy! Lucy Carter x
Robson had turned up for work in a non-uniform shirt so was "on the carpet" in Miss Lucy Carter's office to explain himself. Unfortunately, his pathetic excuses together with his insolence simply made Miss Carter more determined that the boy would learn a severe lesson. The attractive young boss...
WMV · 640x480 · 106
$9.99 · 9 Min 12 Sec
Lucy Carter was not happy. And when Lucy Carter was not happy, it usually ended up with someone getting a sore bottom. In this case, two sore bottoms. She'd had a complaint from a regular customer about the new girl Samantha and the senior waitress Becca. After listening to their pathetic excuses...
WMV · 640x480 · 126
$11.99 · 10 Min 57 Sec
The Headmaster was having one of his annual "zero tolerance" crackdowns on lax behaviour in the 6th form. Which meant that minor offences which would normally have earned the culprit lines or a detention now earned them a trip to the punishment room at 4pm. As the head of 6th form it's my...
WMV · 640x480 · 186
$12.99 · 16 Min 12 Sec
The Headmaster was having one of his annual "zero tolerance" crackdowns on lax behaviour in the 6th form. Which meant that minor offences which would normally have earned the culprit lines or a detention now earned them a trip to the punishment room at 4pm. As the head of 6th form it's my...
WMV · 640x480 · 71
$6.99 · 6 Min 9 Sec
The Headmaster was having one of his annual "zero tolerance" crackdowns on lax behaviour in the 6th form. Which meant that minor offences which would normally have earned the culprit lines or a detention now earned them a trip to the punishment room at 4pm. As the head of 6th form it's my...
WMV · 640x480 · 65
$6.99 · 5 Min 37 Sec
The Headmaster was having one of his annual "zero tolerance" crackdowns on lax behaviour in the 6th form. Which meant that minor offences which would normally have earned the culprit lines or a detention now earned them a trip to the punishment room at 4pm. As the head of 6th form it's my...
WMV · 640x480 · 57
$5.99 · 5 Min 0 Sec
After blistering Becca and Jenny with her trusty ruler, Miss Carter settled down to study the spanking magazine she'd confiscated to see if she could find any good tips about administering discipline. When Miss Spencer entered the punishment room and announced that the mag actually belonged to...
WMV · 640x480 · 99
$8.99 · 8 Min 36 Sec
Robson had been given a choice by the magistrates between 3 months in prison or 12 months probation. He thought that getting lectured every fortnight by some snotty probation officer would be the easy option but he didn't anticipate that Miss Carter had other ideas about punishment. So when he...
WMV · 640x480 · 111
$9.99 · 9 Min 13 Sec
A couple of days after I'd chastised Robson for his perverted behaviour, one of my prefects reported him again. This time he'd had been caught taking photographs up girls skirts as they walked up the stairs. No doubt the dirty little sod intended to take them home and wank over them in his...
WMV · 640x480 · 91
$8.99 · 8 Min 17 Sec
I was having a crackdown on inappropriate or perverted behaiour by the boys and had asked my prefects to report any such offences directly to me. So when Robson reported for his punishment he was a bit reluctant to take his discipline from me. He denied that he'd been caught standing in the...
WMV · 640x480 · 94
$8.99 · 8 Min 33 Sec
Becca & Jenny's form teacher had caught the girls giggling over a pornographic spanking magazine and so they found themselves in the punishment room. Of course they denied that it was their mag and even had the audacity to suggest that it actually belonged to Miss Carter! So she ordered the...
WMV · 640x480 · 156
$12.99 · 14 Min 5 Sec
Becca & Jenny's form teacher had caught the girls giggling over a pornographic spanking magazine and so they found themselves in the punishment room. Of course they denied that it was their mag and even had the audacity to suggest that it actually belonged to Miss Carter! So she ordered the...
WMV · 640x480 · 76
$7.99 · 6 Min 57 Sec
However, the attractive young teacher had had not finished with Becca and Jenny and called them back at the end of school to inform them that a note would be sent home to their daddies unless they agreed to take another punishment from her. Needless to say the girls chose the latter option. So...
WMV · 640x480 · 81
$7.99 · 7 Min 28 Sec
Mr Thompson, the teacher who liked to ogle the girls had been up to his tricks again. This time he'd been spying on the gymnastics team, in their skimpy leotards, practising their routines. He obviously denied it when confronted by Miss Carter so she pulled him straight across her knee and...
WMV · 640x480 · 107
$9.99 · 9 Min 41 Sec
Following his roasting with Miss Carter's ruler, Robson reported to her the next moring, but not before school started. In fact he was late, which was not the best way to avoid another hiding from the attractive young schoolmistress. The stupid boy made another hiding even more certain by telling...
WMV · 640x480 · 105
$9.99 · 9 Min 33 Sec
Jenny had been taking extra time on her breaks and this had come to the attention of Miss Lucy Carter, the mangeress. She knew she'd probably leaving the office with a sore bottom but Jenny is one of those girls that just cannot help being cheeky. So, when questioned she did herself no favours by...
WMV · 640x480 · 86
$8.99 · 7 Min 52 Sec
Lucy Carter was not happy. The boiler had broken down at lunchtime and the staff had to be sent home for the rest of the day. So when, at 5 pm, the maintenance man came to her office, she fully expected him to report that the boiler was now working again. The attractive young boss was furious...
WMV · 640x480 · 58
$5.99 · 5 Min 20 Sec
Lucy Carter doesn't mind her staff being friendly or even flirting mildly with the diners but Becca had taken things a bit too far, more than once. In the recent past she'd had to put the tarty little waitress across her knee for a spanking over her tights, to teach her where the boundaries lay....
WMV · 640x480 · 91
$8.99 · 8 Min 19 Sec
Miss Carter summoned Robson rto the punishment room because it had come to her attention that je had been taking days off without permission. The boy tried to excuse this by claiming that sixth-former didn;t have lessons every day ad that he preferred to study at home. Miss Carter blew that right...
WMV · 640x480 · 121
$10.99 · 10 Min 59 Sec
Miss Carter thought she'd reached the end of another long day in the punishment room, but as the last snivelling schoolgirl opened the door to leave, Mr Thompson almost fell through it. He babbled out some excuse about seeing if the key would fit the lock but Miss Carter knew better. So she...
WMV · 640x480 · 97
$9.99 · 8 Min 50 Sec