The new production studio by UK spanking performer Pandora Blake. High-quality, aesthetically beautiful spanking films, photo galleries and audio stories which please the senses and excite the imagination. Pandora dreams of hard spanking, severe caning, historical storylines, traditional English punishments, edgy fantasies, dominance and submission - and more.
When last we left Tai and Pandora, it was with a deliciously dirty promise: now that she’s covered in bruises and thoroughly warmed up, it’s time for Tai to have her tight hole filled as much as possible. This is a huge fantasy for Tai, but it’s not one she’s had the chance to fulfil all that...
MP4 · 1080p · 686
$16.99 · 16 Min 46 Sec
Even by the standards of the day, the school that formerly employed one Madam Welter as its secretary was a little off the beaten track - and ‘beaten’ is definitely the operative word there. Years later she’s decided to share her recollections with us in the form of a memoir complete with...
MP4 · 1080p · 548
$12.99 · 12 Min 39 Sec
Newbie sub Emma hasn’t been with Pandora for long, but they’re having a great time exploring new horizons together - and Emma’s keen to keep her best friend updated with all her discoveries. She’s in the middle of a confessional video call when Pandora happens to overhear her...and gets a...
MP4 · 1080p · 641
$14.99 · 14 Min 55 Sec
Tai’s still learning about her love of pain and her submissive streak, but she knows what she likes - and Pandora, delighted by some of the cruel implements Tai’s chosen for their playdate, is only too happy to oblige. This film is a truly immersive treat for lovers of corporal punishment and...
MP4 · 1080p · 662
$15.99 · 16 Min 8 Sec
Blake cuts a most dashing figure about the Ton - and they’ve been in and out of so much mischief over the years that they have their peers and fellows in quite a whirl. Gossip has it that each of these misadventures has been carefully chronicled in a leather-bound diary, though you’ll never crack...
MP4 · 1080p · 692
$15.99 · 15 Min 21 Sec
Lady Pandora finds herself a little lonely since the death of her husband, and she wishes to take a new companion: someone to sit and read to her while she sews, keep her company through the long afternoons, help her with the tasks of running a traditional household. Miss Bower seems to fit the...
MP4 · 1080p · 744
$17.99 · 17 Min 48 Sec
Cupid has been causing trouble all over Mount Olympus, flirting with nymphs and shooting her arrows at people she shouldn’t. Just yesterday she was caned by her f_ather Mars, the god of war - but somehow the bright, sore welts on her pert bottom don’t seem to have taught her a lesson. Venus...
MP4 · 1080p · 399
$8.99 · 9 Min 11 Sec
This week Pandora is telling the story of Pamela, who grew up an only c-hild in the 1950s. One afternoon she’d been playing a game with a visiting friend when one of her m-other’s ornaments was knocked off a shelf and broke, catching the attention of her formidable m-other - and her m-other’s...
MP4 · 1080p · 602
$12.99 · 13 Min 24 Sec
Ozma van Aalsburg and Pandora Blake have collaborated again to bring you Part II of The Keys to the Kingdom, an audio spanking story all about self-exploration and the value of a good hard punishment. In the concluding installment, Riva is faced with a seemingly impossible task - and it doesn’t...
MP4 · 720p · 105
$8.00 · 22 Min 26 Sec
We love aural spanking stories. Let us take you to a faraway land: a place of rich castles and dark woodlands, where magic is real and disobedient servants get what’s coming to them. Once upon a time, you see, there was a girl - haughty, noble and proud. As she prepares to take on the mantle...
MP4 · 720p · 85
$8.00 · 20 Min 55 Sec
Schoolgirl Julie has recently been made head girl, and with that title come certain duties and responsibilities. Her three friends – Vicky, Liam and Laura – have been caught smoking, and are in serious trouble. Mr Albert, the headmaster, has ordered Julie to punish her friends herself, an idea...
MP4 · 720p · 153
$9.00 · 39 Min 11 Sec
In this audio story, Pandora Blake is the young and sexy stepmother, ready to punish her rebellious stepson. She's ready to dish out a hard spanking on the bare, with her hand and perhaps with a range of implements as well. But that isn’t all she has in mind. While she begins by describing good...
MP4 · 720p · 95
$5.00 · 20 Min 18 Sec
A slyly subversive riff on the traditional school caning scenario. Headmaster Mr Grimshaw - played by Mike Pain - is brooding in his office over the consequences of foolish leniency – he’s been too soft on his naughty schoolgirls and now one of them seems to have pinched his wallet. Pandora...
MP4 · 1080p · 685
$9.99 · 9 Min 22 Sec
Your mum is away for the weekend, so you're staying at your strict Auntie Margaret's house. You know that she believes in corporal punishment, and deals with your cousins very severely with over the knee hand and hairbrush spanking when they are naughty - and you've seen the marks on their...
MP4 · 1440x1080 · 509
$10.99 · 11 Min 21 Sec
This playful spanking film features a lovely, candid chat between Pandora Blake and Sarah Gregory, punctuated with hard spanking and bare bottom caning. These two clearly enjoy each other’s company, and it’s not long before their conversation turns to their preferences in spanking, from the roles...
MP4 · 1080p · 824
$26.99 · 26 Min 43 Sec
In a schoolroom setting, all alone, Pandora puts on her tight burgundy pencil skirt and strikes a variety of poses, showing off her magnificent arse in the clinging garment. She bends over the table, perhaps anticipating another good spanking any minute: she examines the range of implements laid...
MP4 · 1080p · 203
$5.99 · 5 Min 23 Sec
They say that pregnancy gives you a certain glow, but what they don’t tell you that it will set your senses alive in new and exciting ways. At almost twenty weeks, my little baby bump is showing and my trousers are getting tighter by the day! I thought this might be troubling, but in fact, I’m...
MP4 · 1080p · 669
$9.99 · 9 Min 11 Sec
This POV video casts the viewer in the role of confidante to schoolgirl Pandora, as she fearfully anticipates a severe caning. She’s never been in this much trouble before! Having been caught passing around a bottle of vodka on a school trip, she’s been sent to wait outside the Head’s office for...
MP4 · 1080p · 764
$10.99 · 10 Min 28 Sec