Rod is a cocky lazy guy at the best of times and today is no different. When Craig asks him politely to do some chores Rod squares up to him and says 'No'. Craig asks again and Rod stands his ground and becomes a little aggressive. Craig turns and leaves the room and Rod sits and gloats that...
MP4 · 1080p · 233
$7.99 · 7 Min 29 Sec
Jason has been avoiding us as he has been up to no good as usual, so he now has to get a short sharp spanking to make up for it. He knows the form and strips off and adopts the position and the first swat from the paddle lands with a nice thwack. Jason is known for moaning and jumping up between...
MP4 · 1080p · 242
$7.99 · 7 Min 46 Sec
Jacob stands there in his tighty whities waiting for a spanking he has earned. The stool used is deliberately high to stop him having contact with the floor and keeps him off balance enough to make him keep his muscles tight. The spanking starts on his underwear and the tight ass muscles make...
MP4 · 1080p · 279
$9.99 · 9 Min 0 Sec
Mitch is in need of a paddling to help him try and stay well behaved, all lads need this from time to time and the paddle is an excellent way to teach them. The swats are well aimed and Mitch has to yelp and jump as his butt gets a hard spanking. After a few swats he starts to get that lovely...
MP4 · 1080p · 222
$8.99 · 7 Min 8 Sec
Francis has come along as a naughty lad for his first caning. He has a look of some trepidation about him, but has assured us he can take whats coming. He undresses and gets into position with his ass presented. The first stroke lands with a lovely crack and his first spanking has started. After...
MP4 · 1080p · 389
$14.99 · 12 Min 29 Sec
Jimmy has been caught with cigarettes before and he has been spanked for having them before but nothing seems to work, so its time for drastic action. He is confronted once again and told that it stops today. OTK he goes for a few warm up swats but this is far from what he needs to get him off...
MP4 · 1080p · 248
$8.99 · 8 Min 0 Sec
There is no getting around the fact that Aiden is in problems of his own making because he has recently been acting badly, which is why he is back. The cane is the most effective approach to give him a punishment he will remember. He has reach around and grab at his hurting butt because the...
MP4 · 1080p · 177
$5.99 · 5 Min 40 Sec
What is it with these lads and the need to live on a mobile. They loose all idea of time and cost and before they know it they have a huge bill to face. And it is not just a one off it is a regular thing, they never seem to learn. Andrew is one of those lads - to engrossed in his virtual world...
MP4 · 1080p · 342
$11.99 · 11 Min 0 Sec
Its been a while since we saw Gymboy but that does not mean he has been behaving himself. He might look like he has changed his ways but thats far from true. So laying next to the pool he has to take a set with the cane with no messing around and take it hard. The wall he is laying on is just the...
MP4 · 1080p · 168
$5.99 · 5 Min 22 Sec
These two friends admit to being naughty so what to do with them. For a change they have to spank each other, this is a great way to get some serious humiliation into a session. Both lads are naked and have to cane each other in turn. They protest and moan of course but its good to see that they...
MP4 · 1080p · 436
$15.99 · 13 Min 59 Sec
Nathan has the look of alad that might just learn from his past mistakes, but thats all it is just a look. He is in trouble and needs to get a lesson in behaving. Stripped off he bends over and gets a set with the cane. The welts stand out well on his pale butt, and the way he jumps up match...
MP4 · 1080p · 143
$4.99 · 4 Min 35 Sec
Mik is a great lad and spanking him is a real pleasure - a lovely smooth butt. Starting OTK with a hand warm up he starts to colour up nicely. This is followed by the strap OTK. Then a break as he he is positioned for the cane, which makes some nice stripes on his rear. Then back OTK for the...
MP4 · 1080p · 581
$19.99 · 18 Min 39 Sec
Like all lads Grant has messed up and not has to face a good hard paddling to set the record straight. Grant is a tough little guy and he takes some really hard swats with the paddle without any protest. The bloom on his ass is outstanding and really glows well in the sunshine. This is a lad that...
MP4 · 1080p · 140
$4.99 · 4 Min 29 Sec
Taavi finds himself OTK again getting a paddling from Teodor with the lather paddle. This lad just cannot help himslef and is always due a spanking for some reason or other. The jeans have to go after afew swats to allow the paddle to work on the lads ass through his boxers. This has a great...
MP4 · 1080p · 230
$7.99 · 7 Min 24 Sec
Meno is in trouble and knows how this is going to end. He is naked and bending over and the cane lands with a resounding thwack on his ass. The strokes are laid on hard and Meno has to reach round and clutch his ass from time to time. For this session its a real challenge for him to take the full...
MP4 · 1080p · 155
$4.99 · 4 Min 59 Sec
Bas has well and truly over stepped the mark this time and he is going to get a good thrashing for his efforts. Sometimes you have to be very strict with a guy to get him back on the straight and narrow. The cane brings out some spectacular welts in this clip and the few extra strokes to the top...
MP4 · 1080p · 607
$19.99 · 19 Min 27 Sec
Jaxson has not been around for a while and that means that he has been up to no good, as lads always are. He has that look that says he knows he is in trouble and has to pay for it. So once he is stripped off he is over the bar and getting a long over due paddling. The swats are good and hard and...
MP4 · 1080p · 288
$9.99 · 9 Min 14 Sec
Teodor has been out and around again and this time he has found a slim lad that has agreed to come back. Whatthe lad didnt know is that Teodor had decided to start him off OTK with the paddle. Maxin is very unsure about things and is really a bit shy but he does take the paddle well. It...
MP4 · 1080p · 236
$7.99 · 7 Min 37 Sec
Meno has caught Jason trying to steal tools from the tool shed and grabbed him, dragging him back to face the music. Jason seems unapologetic for his actions and that just makes things worse. There is no way he is getting away with this without a good paddling. He gets the swats he deserves and...
MP4 · 1080p · 256
$8.99 · 8 Min 15 Sec
Mitch is sitting outside playing with his phone when he should be at work. He has been told about this before and seems to have forgotten that so a reminder is needed and that reminder comes in the shape of the paddle. Bending over he gets some good hard swats to make wake his ideas up. Mitch is...
MP4 · 1080p · 166
$4.99 · 3 Min 54 Sec