Gymboy and Aiden were waiting for the session to start and they decided to cane each other to waste some time. But they are just getting into it when they are caught and have to take a real session each. While they both have caned each other well its still not right and they are not there for...
MP4 · 1080p · 384
$10.99 · 10 Min 7 Sec
Pieter finds himself stripped off and bending over the bar for a set with the cane. He might be a shy guy but he takes the cane well, his last few punishments have been with the paddle so a change to the cane is whats needed to make him buck his ideas up. He manages to tough out the session even...
MP4 · 1080p · 207
$6.99 · 6 Min 37 Sec
In the middle of nowhere Gymboy has been moaning in the car, so after pulling over its a no messing around paddling with the heavy bat. He strips off and standing there right next to the road he gets some great swats with this heavy bat. You can tell they are making a point by the way he jumps...
MP4 · 1080p · 322
$10.99 · 10 Min 19 Sec
Teodor gave Matyas a time to be home and the lad is late. The longer he waits the darker his mood gets. By the time Matyas comes through the door is does not matter what he says he is going to get a spanking. Not even giving him time to take off his jacket Teodor takes the lad into the salon...
MP4 · 1080p · 281
$9.99 · 9 Min 0 Sec
Looking very sorry for himself, for a change, Jason has over stepped the mark again and he knows whats next. Once stripped of he presents his ass for the cane and waits for the first stroke of many to fall. While the Jason we know is still there, getting up and walking around, he is very subdued...
MP4 · 1080p · 324
$10.99 · 10 Min 23 Sec
An empty fridge tells the story that someone, Hynek, has not been and stocked up on essentials. Teodor is far from happy and he sets about giving the lad a paddling. Bending him over the counter he sets about a good lesson in housekeeping. The tight jeans are good for the warm up but down they...
MP4 · 1080p · 259
$8.99 · 8 Min 19 Sec
Its been a while and Jaxson has of course messed up and has to pay. He admits he has been naughty and strips off, his dick always looks semi hard, maybe he is naughty for a reason. He goes astride the fallen tree and readies himself for a good hard caning. The stripes and welts are soon...
MP4 · 1080p · 184
$6.99 · 5 Min 57 Sec
These three have been caught after stealing fruit from a garden. None of them should be surprised by what happens next as they all have a history of messing up. So one by one they face the music, naked and bending over the bar. Each in turn they get a super set of stripes from the cane, some...
MP4 · 1080p · 288
$9.99 · 9 Min 14 Sec
Ted starts off by saying he forgot before getting to the truth and saying he over slept for work yesterday. Theres only one thing to do to give him a proper work ethic and thats to cane him, and cane him hard. As Ted as a smooth pale ass the welts from the cane stand out wonderfully. The yelps...
MP4 · 1080p · 169
$5.99 · 5 Min 27 Sec
Taavi cannot stay out of mischief and that means he needs a spanking regularly. teodor calls him in and makes him hold on to the beam as he administers a spanking. Taavi always manages to look like he does not deserve the spanking he is getting, even when he is obviously guilty as we have...
MP4 · 1080p · 264
$8.99 · 8 Min 31 Sec
Bas has that look of faux innocence as he is confronted with the news that his naughtiness has caught up with him. Lads had this reaction on stand by all the time and they hope it works, which it never does. Same with Bas and he has no choice but to strip off and present his ass for the cane. The...
MP4 · 1080p · 282
$9.99 · 9 Min 3 Sec
Dimitri has to deal with Marcin OTK in this request and he does that well as always. Marcin Looks good in black shorts as he comes in and goes OTK. The shorts show off the shape of his butt well and being tight they are ideal for Dimitris heavy hand. Once the shorts are down he is wearing baggy...
MP4 · 1080p · 180
$6.99 · 5 Min 47 Sec
Jason has been up to his old tricks again and as usual been found out, like lads always are, and now he has to pay the price. Once he has stripped off he bends ready for a set with the cane. This starts the session off well and soon has him doing his usual protests, to no avail as the welts on...
MP4 · 1080p · 144
$5.99 · 4 Min 37 Sec
These two have been playing around again and find themselves in the position of having to pay for it. The two of them strip off and in turn bend over the bar for a really stiff caning. You can see why Tel looks a bit worried as Jayden gets his thrashed. The moans and groans are matched with the...
MP4 · 1080p · 444
$14.99 · 14 Min 14 Sec
Spending the day laying in bed playing with your phone is never a good idea. But when you are staying at Dimitris place is positively unwise. So when the cheeky grinning lad is confronted by Dimitri he should be in no doubt why he finds himself dragged out of bed and OTK. The other thing is...
MP4 · 1080p · 219
$7.99 · 7 Min 3 Sec
Grant has borrowed money and failed to return it, its something that lads do all the time. They learn basic economics slowly and painfully. For his failure Grant is going to get a hard set with the cane. Grant is a tough little guy and the welts on his ass are just whats needed to make sure he...
MP4 · 1080p · 294
$7.99 · 7 Min 25 Sec
In trouble again Sergio finds himself over the table being spanked. With his usual protests, faux innocence that he excels at, Sergio takes whats coming. He is told to strip off after the warm up and get back over the table, surprisingly he bounces out of his jeans, looks like he is starting to...
MP4 · 1080p · 199
$6.99 · 6 Min 26 Sec
Gymboy is still not attending the gym, he looks sheepish and knows that he is being lazy, he also knows he has to pay but is unaware of how. The session is three sets with the cane. First he gets the cane just enough to make him moan and jump. Then he finds himself on his back on the floor with...
MP4 · 1080p · 407
$11.99 · 11 Min 22 Sec
Seems that Jaxson has forgotten his lesson last time and needs a reminder. This time he not only gets the paddle but the heavy bat as well. The swats are hard and he is soon moaning well as his butt starts to glow well. He is up and wandering around clutching his throbbing butt and thats just...
MP4 · 1080p · 322
$10.99 · 10 Min 22 Sec
Andie was told to go to bed early and although he did he thought he was clever to stay awake, lads forget things like the light being on is a give away. So this morning he has to face the music and pay for stying up late. He gets a super set with the cane which brings up some great welts. He...
MP4 · 1080p · 194
$6.99 · 6 Min 13 Sec