Dimitri is fed up with Sergio and his attitude so he deals with him in the best way possible, a good OTK spanking. Sergio always has that cheeky smirk on his face even when he knows what he is in for. He tries the cries of protest as he goes OTK but Dimitri is having none of it. Trackies...
MP4 · 1080p · 219
$7.99 · 7 Min 1 Sec
A small series over the next few weeks with Coach Cal and his problems with students. Coach is not happy as he wait for the late student, the student being Philip who is not noted for his good time keeping. When he arrives he is confronted with his tardiness and is dragged over the knee,...
MP4 · 1080p · 135
$6.99 · 5 Min 53 Sec
Blue as in the underwear he is wearing and blue as in not happy at facing another spanking. A good OTK is what he is in for this time. A good start on his trousers seems to hit the spot as he starts to look shocked. By the time he is down to his underwear he is looking really displeased. The...
MP4 · 1080p · 396
$17.99 · 17 Min 20 Sec
Philip is at the end of his tether with Leon and has decided to teach a final lesson. Making the lad stand against a tree and take a set with the belt. He ignores the cold weather as he belts the lad, he is keeping warm regardless of how Leon feels. Laying the belt on trousers and then...
MP4 · 1080p · 334
$11.99 · 11 Min 5 Sec
Teodor sees that the dishwasher has been left open and all the stuff is still waiting for something to happen, be that washing or putting away. Either way it has been abandoned by Oliver who has gone off to do something else. The lad comes in and has to face the music, he is bent over the...
MP4 · 1080p · 329
$10.99 · 10 Min 34 Sec
Dimitri has been out again looking for some new faces for us. This time he has found a really tough looking guy, Stepan. The fact that Stepan is smoking is even better for Dimitri as he has the idea reason to spank the lad. Back at the apartment Stepan has to bend over the kitchen counter and...
MP4 · 1080p · 357
$11.99 · 11 Min 49 Sec
Sergio is sitting back having a snack instead of getting on with the chores. He is quite happy until Dimitri comes in and catches him slacking and snacking. No messing around he is OTK in a flash and getting his butt warmed up. The black jeans are good for a wake up set but they have to go...
MP4 · 1080p · 242
$8.99 · 8 Min 0 Sec
Dimitri has been out and about again but this time he had to work harder to persuade the lad, Rafal, to come back for a spanking. Of course what the lad does not realise is that as Dimitri had to work harder to get him he will spank harder to compensate for it. When Rafal comes in for his...
MP4 · 1080p · 306
$10.99 · 10 Min 8 Sec
We have had some requests to see the wheelbarrow position. So as Viktor is back for a spanking it is an ideal time to spring this on him. Starting OTK for a good warm up on the jeans he is unaware of what is coming next. Dimitri lays on the warm up hard and by the time it is over Viktor is...
MP4 · 1080p · 185
$6.99 · 6 Min 6 Sec
Just in from the gym Marcin has to report for a spanking. He is made to bend over the table and get a good walloping. The trackies he wearing look good but after a warm up they have to go. Dimitri lays his heavy hand on the lads boxer clad rear end with great thoroughness. Once the boxers are...
MP4 · 1080p · 229
$7.99 · 7 Min 34 Sec
Leon has once more overstepped the mark and Philip has to deal with him. Leon is lazy, messy and generally untidy and it drives Philip mad. Marching the lad into the garden and making him take a spanking in the cold winter air adds a lot to the spanking he gets. Not only is is humiliating to...
MP4 · 1080p · 200
$9.99 · 8 Min 46 Sec
Ryan is quite happy reading a book when Sergio comes in and grabs it out of his hands, his cheeky smile and mischievous manner almost look like they are going to carry off this act of naughtiness when a pack of cigarettes is spotted in his shirt pocket. Trying to look innocent and surprised...
MP4 · 1080p · 306
$13.99 · 13 Min 26 Sec
First for the wheelbarrow is Cal. Been a while since we have seen him and he has been working out a lot, and it shows. He is wearing some really tight racy underwear that show off his hard muscly butt perfectly. The small wooden paddle is chosen to spank him with. Just watch that paddle...
MP4 · 1080p · 183
$8.99 · 8 Min 0 Sec
Something a little different for Ricky, as requested by BT in the USA. Ricky is tied to the wall restraints and waits for his spanking. First off is a set with the cane. This gives his ass some nice stripes and makes him hop around. Then the belt is bought in for that extra sting to the finish....
MP4 · 1080p · 321
$14.99 · 14 Min 3 Sec
This is an impromptu clip, so it is filmed on the go, so it is raw, rough and ready. There was a bit of a difference of opinion and some shouting. The cameraman grabbed the camera and came to see what was going on. He found Ricky pinned to the floor being spanked for answering back and being...
MP4 · 1080p · 64
$3.99 · 2 Min 46 Sec
Cal has had enough with Arthurs attitude and has scheduled a spanking. He calls the lad in to the room and gets him OTK. Cal lays it in well on the jeans for a few swats before he tells Arthur to drop his trousers and get back over his knee. The red briefs really show off the shape of...
MP4 · 1080p · 128
$5.99 · 5 Min 37 Sec
Leon said he was a tough lad and didnt want the usual introduction to our team, he wanted to jump in the deep end. So thats exactly what he got. It was decided, not by him, that the best way would be to paddle him, three paddles that is. The normal paddle, the slim paddle and the leather paddle....
MP4 · 1080p · 402
$17.99 · 17 Min 36 Sec
The bathroom was left in a mess and Philip is the culprit. He is thrown down on the couch and given the belt. His ass is presented perfectly and is glowing in no time at all. With one leg up on the couch and the other on the floor Philips muscular butt is a perfect picture. The look on his face,...
MP4 · 1080p · 184
$8.99 · 8 Min 2 Sec
As we saw last time Mark was sent to bed to think over the error of his ways. But of course that is the last thing on his mind and he has the phone in one hand and his dick in the other. The fact that he left the light on escapes him but it attracts attention of another kind. The light acted as a...
MP4 · 1080p · 370
$16.99 · 16 Min 12 Sec
Only a few days into the New Year and already terry is in trouble. He has to go OTK and get a paddling. This slight lad is always up to something and its no wonder he is always looking at the carpet getting his rear end tanned. No matter what he says or think his jeans are soon down and his black...
MP4 · 1080p · 267
$8.99 · 8 Min 37 Sec