This video is about holding our girl accountable for her actions. Princess came to us a few days ago with a guilty conscience and explained to Mommy and Daddy that she had been breaking one of our major house rules while she's been at work for the past two months straight. In this house trust is...
MP4 · 1080p · 1603
$59.99 · 1 Hour 3 Min 45 Sec
In this live action role play, there are several different clips going over different things with Princess from her using profanity again, throwing a complete temper tantrum and slamming doors, snapping at Mommy and Daddy. She receives the switch, the hand, several different paddles and of course...
MP4 · 1080p · 2244
$69.99 · 1 Hour 28 Min 55 Sec
In this live action role play, Princess has asked for her naughty behavior to be cleaned out with a soapy enema, and to be spanked to tears. She wanted to make sure she was going to be on her best behavior, so we didn't have a repeat of last years Christmas, and so that Santa would come. In this...
MP4 · 1080p · 1585
$54.99 · 1 Hour 1 Min 28 Sec
Every week Princess' Grandma comes over to watch her so we can go grocery shopping. This past time her Grandma came over she was down right disrespectful and would not listen to her. Not only would she not listen she lied to her and when her Grandma tried to spank her she threw a fit so big her...
MP4 · 1080p · 1132
$39.99 · 43 Min 52 Sec
Princess has been having some major attitude lately with throwing fits, Cussing, lying, and just being straight up disrespectful to her Mommy. This attitude earned her a severe paddling and mouthsoaping till she's sobbing her eyes out and promising to be good. She also failed one of her tests...
MP4 · 1080p · 1599
$59.99 · 1 Hour 4 Min 3 Sec
Princess' behavior has been our of control lately, between her attitude, back talking, and profanity. To top it all off she confessed to lying about different things through out the week. She was also talking to people online she doesn't know, and ordered things online before asking. She receives...
MP4 · 1080p · 1797
$59.99 · 1 Hour 10 Min 37 Sec
For the past month our girl has been extremely disrespectful to her Mommy and using some very inappropriate words. She has also been slacking on her school work and got herself in trouble over at her friends house while the girls was supposed to be studying. This earns her a very long and hard...
MP4 · 1080p · 2830
$89.99 · 1 Hour 52 Min 49 Sec
In this video we go over our little girls behavior. She has not been doing her studies and slacking on her chores and being very disrespectful to mommy and daddy by lying and giving us attitude. Mommy's been working a lot and hasn't had time to really discipline her little girl like she needs...
MP4 · 1080p · 1666
$54.99 · 1 Hour 5 Min 56 Sec
Princess has been slipping up with her language lately, and has been throwing massive temper tantrums. Mommy and Daddy quickly put a stop to this with a mouth soaping, a belt spanking, and a paddling. We hope Princess will not be throwing any fits anytime soon.
MP4 · 1080p · 1394
$39.99 · 55 Min 58 Sec
Princess's behavior has been out of control lately. She received 4 red stickers and 4 yellow stickers this week, and 4 yellow stickers turns into a red sticker. So in total she received 5 red stickers, for her profanity, taking her diaper off with out permission, lying to Mommy and Daddy, not...
MP4 · 1080p · 1313
$39.99 · 53 Min 1 Sec
Princess was texting one of her friends, having a great day and good conversation. Next thing I know I am getting a text from her friends Daddy saying Princess had used foul language, and he does not want his girl picking up on her bad habits. I quickly showed Princess that, that kind of language...
MP4 · 1080p · 853
$24.99 · 33 Min 3 Sec
As you all know, Princess has decided to go back to college. So she is supposed to do her school work everyday. Well, she decided that since Daddy was outside, she could tell Mommy she was sick and be able to go lay down. When Daddy came back inside and found out she was sick. He wanted to make...
MP4 · 1080p · 1021
$34.99 · 41 Min 40 Sec
Princess decided to take it upon herself, to sneak out of bed and open one of her Christmas presents. She has been asking everyday and Mommy and Daddy, always tell her she has to wait till Christmas Eve. When she is caught and asked to sit at the table to write lines, she gets a massive attitude...
MP4 · 1080p · 1757
$54.99 · 1 Hour 9 Min 28 Sec
These a couple of our older videos we found and clipped together. Princess was caught cussing again so she earned herself a mouth soaping and a paddling for her maintenance, then she has been having an attitude lately so she has earned herself a belt spanking. Hope you enjoy, and Happy...
MP4 · 1080p · 918
$19.99 · 38 Min 36 Sec
Princess has been making some very dangerous decisions behind the wheel lately, she drove up an embankment and got her employers vehicle stuck, luckily Daddy was there to help her get the vehicle unstuck. However Daddy reminds her that he wont always be there to get her out of these kind of...
MP4 · 1080p · 1138
$34.99 · 46 Min 50 Sec
Princess has decided she wants to go back to college, so Mommy and Daddy will help her with that. With this house we have the extra rooms, so we decided to set up a school room for Princess. Now, with that being said Princess has had some awful behavior this week. Between not listening, not doing...
MP4 · 1080p · 3101
$79.99 · 2 Hour 2 Min 39 Sec
This week Princess has definitely fallen off track with her behavior. She has gone back to texting and driving. She has not been wanting to take her naps and thinks it is ok to play on her phone during nap time. She has not been listening at all. Her texting and driving got her grounded this...
MP4 · 1080p · 876
$24.99 · 35 Min 49 Sec