CAUTION in this Halloween themed video there is non stop laughter with spanking in this fun filled game we have created for not only our enjoyment, but yours as well. The rules of the game are simple the first time you roll the dice tells you the implement you are getting or using each number on...
MP4 · 1080p · 1092
$29.99 · 45 Min 30 Sec
With Halloween coming up we let Princess play dress up and she dressed up as a kitty cat and Daddy did her make-up. Even though she had fun all day playing and dressing up, it was still maintenance day, so we have have to go over her behavior from the week. She has earned herself three yellow...
MP4 · 1080p · 522
$14.99 · 22 Min 9 Sec
This past week, Princess's behavior has been out of control. She has been cussing up a storm, arguing, back talking, not listening, and has this I can do whatever I want attitude. She also threw a fit in the front yard for all the neighbors to see. Mommy and Daddy do not want to have to ground...
MP4 · 1080p · 3073
$79.99 · 2 Hour 6 Min 42 Sec
A Spanking to Remember is definitely a spanking to remember. In this home video, we touch base on several problematic issues. Such as, texting and driving and running a red light in her employers vehicle which results in another ticket. We also go over the importance of having a set bed time and...
MP4 · 1080p · 3411
$89.99 · 2 Hour 20 Min 38 Sec
Well a few days ago Daddy was really sick and couldn't get out of the bed so Princess decided to throw a complete tantrum when I told her she was going to be getting a spanking for her attitude. Meanwhile daddy was laying in bed hearing all this going on. I finally got her over my lap but she...
MP4 · 1080p · 2722
$79.99 · 1 Hour 50 Min 45 Sec
For the past week, Princess has been giving us massive attitude, back talking, and even using profanity, then the following week we found out she was texting and driving, yet again. Which means she is grounded for the weekend which consists of several spankings, corner times, and writing lines....
MP4 · 1080p · 3129
$79.99 · 2 Hour 7 Min 20 Sec
In this video, we go over a lot of different things with Princess. She once again was caught texting and driving. She also has had a massive attitude with mommy and daddy, and even snapped at us. She knows that even though she has a job she still has to take care of herself, which she was...
MP4 · 1080p · 2863
$79.99 · 2 Hour 0 Min 51 Sec
In this video, everyday we have to go over the same thing with Princess. About her not listening, back talking, giving mommy and daddy attitude, and throwing little temper tantrums. She also seems to have a real issue with putting her hands back during a spanking, and even grabs the implement...
MP4 · 1080p · 1578
$49.99 · 1 Hour 6 Min 25 Sec
In this video Princess, is still having a hard time following directions and minding mommy and daddy. Her attitude over the past several days has gotten out of hand, even though we have warned her several times, she continues to throw temper tantrums. Mommy and daddy decide that enough is enough...
MP4 · 1080p · 1857
$64.99 · 1 Hour 17 Min 34 Sec
In this home video we go over once again telling lies with princess. This is something we have been over with her several times. We have told her it does not matter how big or little the lie is, a lie is still a lie and it will get you into trouble every time. She earns herself an outdoor...
MP4 · 1080p · 1551
$49.99 · 1 Hour 4 Min 1 Sec
Mommy and Daddy decided to take princess out for nice vacation, well as soon as we got there late at night she decided to run behind the cabin and fell into a sink hole, she was not hurt. However she could have been and she knows better than to run off with out mommy and daddy especially in a new...
MP4 · 1080p · 1170
$39.99 · 49 Min 47 Sec
In this video we go over some of princess's behavior she quickly learns that her mischievous deeds will only earn her a sore bottom. She continues to give attitude, back talk, being disrespectful to her mommy. This is over several days where we continue to have the same issues with her behavior....
MP4 · 1080p · 2875
$79.99 · 2 Hour 1 Min 49 Sec
In this video princess has been caught texting and driving again. We have already been over this before, and we have told her before that the consequences would be worse if we had the same issue. She receives the belt, after that step daddy wets her bottom down and spanks her with the bathbrush,...
MP4 · 1080p · 1071
$34.99 · 44 Min 46 Sec
In this video, Princess has not been showing her step mommy respect. She has been giving attitude, back talking and even growling at her. Step daddy shows her that she will show her step mommy the same amount of respect she shows him, and step mommy shows her she can and will be just as strict as...
MP4 · 1080p · 955
$29.99 · 40 Min 30 Sec
If you want to see the 3min trailer it can be found on our spankingtube. This is the third and final video from our littles first week with step mommy and step daddy. There is mouth soaping, otk spankings, paddlings, and a few spankings with the bath brush. She is still learning the rules the...
MP4 · 1080p · 2005
$69.99 · 1 Hour 22 Min 54 Sec
If you would like to see the full 7 minute trailer it can be found on our spankingtube page. This is part 2 of our littles first week with Step mommy and Step Daddy. In this video, there is several spanking scenes, mouth soaping scenes, corner time and diaper changes. She is defiantly learning...
MP4 · 1080p · 2736
$79.99 · 1 Hour 53 Min 29 Sec
Babygirl is usually the one getting spanked, however she wanted to try being a step mommy. She has fallen in love with it and now step mommy and step daddy have a little together. This is part 1 of a 3 part video, of our littles first week with us. There is a ton of spankings and a few mouth...
MP4 · 1080p · 2969
$89.99 · 1 Hour 59 Min 54 Sec
Babygirl is now also a step mommy. In this video babygirl has to be reminded that even step mommys get spankings, and just because she is a step mommy does not mean she isn't still step daddys little girl. In this video babygirl gets a mouth soaping, some much needed corner time, an otk spanking,...
MP4 · 1080p · 764
$14.99 · 30 Min 55 Sec
In this video step-daddy decided to take BabyGirl out on a date. While they were out, BabyGirl decided she was going to give the waiter attitude, when step-daddy gets onto her for her behavior, she gets an attitude with him as well. If this wasn't bad enough she cussed about it under her breath....
MP4 · 1080p · 679
$19.99 · 27 Min 19 Sec