In this film you will see Babygirl play the role of a college student who has moved back home with her Daddy. She comes home from school on the phone with a friend, and daddy is sitting on the couch waiting for her. As soon as she comes in he says they need to have a talk, she smarts off which...
MP4 · 720p · 459
$18.99 · 19 Min 44 Sec
One of my friends trusted me with a secret and I didn't keep it, I told another friend. Well, word got around and my friend found out I told her secret. She got very upset and said she could never trust me again. I felt guilty about what I had done, and decided to come talk to Daddy and ask him...
MP4 · 720p · 364
$14.99 · 15 Min 39 Sec
In this video Daddy gets babygirl ready for bed after she brushes her teeth and says her prayers. She takes a trip over Daddy's knee for her bedtime spanking with an extra 10 with the paddle for her attitude right before bed. After babygirl is all tucked into bed and sleeping she has a nightmare,...
MP4 · 720p · 356
$14.99 · 15 Min 21 Sec
Today, we got up and got ready for church just like every Sunday. This morning I was very excited, because daddy told me that I could have a friend come over and stay the night. Well when we were at church and I was talking with some of my friends and the pastor over heard me and I was using some...
MP4 · 720p · 280
$9.99 · 12 Min 4 Sec
Daddy told me I could paint my pumpkin and when he was done working in the garage he would help me cut it open and I could help scoop out all the seeds. Well I finished painting and started trying to cut it myself. When daddy comes upstairs he is not all to happy to see babygirl cutting her...
MP4 · 720p · 280
$8.99 · 12 Min 4 Sec
Daddy took me to the park today, so I was able to run around and get all my energy out. I guess I didn't get all of it out because I decided to run all through the house yelling and hollering. I also threw my toys over the edge onto the stairs. Now daddy has a headache and has warned babygirl...
MP4 · 720p · 252
$9.99 · 10 Min 52 Sec
Today I woke up in a very bad mood, I gave attitude to daddy before we even left the house and he told me to straighten up. Not only did I not straighten up, but I took it upon myself to also give the cashier attitude. When we got home daddy sent me to the room while he put everything away. I...
MP4 · 720p · 476
$19.99 · 20 Min 44 Sec
In this film Babygirl and Wylde play the roll of a bratty teenagers. They both were acting up and being very rude and disrespectful in class. Their teacher lives by babygirl and her daddy, and is very good friends with her daddy. So she decides to stop by while on her afternoon run. When the...
MP4 · 720p · 832
$24.99 · 35 Min 44 Sec
As many of you know Comet has been staying with us for the past week. This is the weekly maintenance between Comet and Babygirl. Babygirl has been on her best behavior this week with only one yellow sticker so she receives 100 with daddy's hand. Comet was on her best behavior as well until the...
MP4 · 720p · 555
$18.99 · 23 Min 51 Sec
This is a Bundle Deal for Foul Mouth for a Foul Mouth and No Means No.
MP4 · 720p · 618
$22.99 · 27 Min 51 Sec
I used to have a real issue with low self esteem and I would constantly put myself down. Daddy and I worked really hard to improve my self esteem, and I am doing much better at it. I had a slip up and started putting myself down again, so I came to Daddy and asked for a punishment so I would not...
MP4 · 720p · 661
$14.99 · 18 Min 34 Sec
Daddy took me to the gym while he did his daily workout. Daddy has taught me how to properly use the gym equipment, however I decided I wanted to play instead. I know better than to play in the gym because you can get hurt. Daddy gives me a hard hand spanking and puts me in the corner to think...
MP4 · 720p · 361
$9.99 · 12 Min 36 Sec
Daddy had decided to take me to the park for the day, I get a little to excited and run out of the hotel room before Daddy can finish getting himself ready. He comes out and gets me and brings me back into the hotel room. Where he gives me a belt spanking and some much needed corner time to think...
MP4 · 720p · 731
$15.99 · 21 Min 20 Sec
When we were out in town I copped an attitude with daddy and tried to pull away from him. When we get back to the hotel he gives me a hand spanking, takes his belt to me, and washes my dirty little mouth out. I don't think I will be giving my daddy attitude for a long time after this punishment.
MP4 · 720p · 717
$14.99 · 19 Min 52 Sec
This is more of a role play scenario where I play the school girl. I was playing on my phone and talking during class, so my teacher sends me to the principal's office. He gives me a choice 20 swats with the school paddle or 3 days suspension. You will see which one I chose.
MP4 · 720p · 428
$9.99 · 11 Min 32 Sec
Every Week, we clean up the house. Well I was not feeling like getting up or wanting to get up and help. I wanted to play on my phone, so daddy puts me in the corner. I did not want to be in the corner so I started giving attitude, and asking a million times to get out so he gives me a bar of...
MP4 · 720p · 644
$12.99 · 17 Min 22 Sec
Potty training a little is a full time job. As you can see in this film Babygirl plays the role of a little girl who is still in pull ups and trying to learn to use the potty like a big girl. The little one is so drawn into her cartoons that she has an accident in her diaper and when daddy sits...
MP4 · 720p · 860
$36.99 · 36 Min 54 Sec
Daddy works hard everyday to provide everything for me and our family. While Daddy is at work it is my job to keep the house clean. I lost track of time and did not get all my chores done. Which is no excuse as to why they were not done. From now on I will definitely be doing my chores first...
MP4 · 720p · 264
$4.99 · 9 Min 25 Sec
I wanted to go out with my friends and Daddy told me I had to stay home, however I could go out tomorrow. Well I didn't like being told no, so I continued to ask Daddy over and over again until I ended up in trouble. I will defiantly listen the first time next time Daddy tells me no to something.
MP4 · 720p · 604
$12.99 · 16 Min 51 Sec
Daddy and I were at the store, and I asked for a video game. Daddy told me no and I proceeded to throw a fit and say some not so nice words. I know how Daddy feels about foul language, so I knew what I was in for. As soon as we got home Daddy has me to go the bedroom, where he washes my mouth...
MP4 · 720p · 310
$8.99 · 10 Min 55 Sec